Park Rules
These rules form part of the agreement under the Mobile Homes Act 1983 as amended and are lodged with the local Authority.
(1) Age of Occupants
No person under the age of 50 years may reside in a park home.
(2) Pets
You must not keep any pets or animals with the following exceptions:
(i) Not more than one domestic cat, which must be neutered and proof of such lodged with the park owner;
(ii) Budgerigars and Canaries which are housed in a cage, Goldfish in an aquarium;
(iii) An assistance dog if you can provide appropriate evidence that it is required to support a disability that you may have.
(3) Vehicles and Parking
(i) You must hold a current driving licence and be insured to drive a vehicle on the park;
(ii) Licenced vehicle owners must not park more than one vehicle on the protected site.
(iii) You must only park your vehicle in the garage or parking bay that has been allocated to your pitch by the park owners;
(iv) You must drive vehicles on the park carefully, obey the road signs and observe the speed limit;
(v) You must ensure that your visitors park their vehicles in the visitor’s car park;
(vi) You must not park on the roads other than for very short periods whilst loading or unloading;
(vii) Any vehicle that you drive on the park must be taxed in accordance with requirements of law and must be in roadworthy condition;
(viii) Disused or un-roadworthy vehicles must be removed from the park. The owners reserve the right to remove any vehicles which are apparently abandoned;
(ix) You must not park touring caravans, motorhomes, commercial vehicles of any sort, including light commercial or light goods vehicles as described in the vehicle taxation legislation on the park;
(x) Vehicle servicing or major repairs must not be carried out on the park.
(4) The Pitch
You must ensure that:
(i) The park home at all times complies with the statutory definition of a ‘mobile home’ set out in the Mobile Homes Act 1983 (or any definition that may subsequently amend or supersede it);
(ii) The park home is maintained at all times in a condition whereby it is capable of being moved from one pitch on the park to another;
(iii) You keep the park home insured with an organisation that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority against loss or damage by fire and liabilities to other people and property. You must produce a copy of the insurance policy to the park owner upon request;
(iv) You comply with any enactments, orders, regulations and bye-laws which relate to the park or the park home (e.g. issued by the Local Authority, County Council, Environmental Agency or Parliament).
You must not, without the prior written consent of the park owner (which will not be unreasonably withheld) carry out any of the following:
(v) improvements to the pitch
(vi) erection of any porches, outbuildings, or other structures {specifically porches must be erected in accordance with the park site licence conditions and fire safety requirements and be no larger than 2.0 metres in length and 1.0 metre in width with one door only};
(vii) decking, paving or hard landscaping, including the formation of a pond;
(viii) planting, felling, lopping, topping or pruning of any trees;
(ix) erection of any pole mast, wire, dish or communications receiving equipment;
In considering any request for consent to carry out such works, the park owner shall have regard to all the circumstances, including the weight of any proposed works and their likely effect (if any) on the park home, the pitch, the base on which the park home is stationed, and the amenity of the park. You must not do, or allow to be done, anything which may:
(x) breach any of the conditions of the owner’s site licence;
(xi) be or become a nuisance to or cause annoyance, inconvenience or disturbance to the park owner or other occupiers who live on the park by way of an excessive noise level from radio, television, musical equipment and other similar appliances or motor vehicles. This especially applies between the hours of 10.30pm and 8.00am.
(xii) cause damage to any property belonging to the park owner or anyone else;
(xiii) be a criminal offence on the park.
(5) Safety
(i) For reasons of ventilation and safety you must keep the underneath of your home clear and not use it as a storage space;
(ii) You must not have external fires on the park, including incinerators;
(iii) You must not keep explosive substances on the park;
(iv) You must not keep inflammable substances on the park except in quantities reasonable for domestic use;
(v) You must not erect fences greater than 1.0 metre in height between adjacent homes and you must obtain the owners approval (which will not be unreasonably withheld). The position of fences must not be forward of the park home and must comply with the site licence conditions and fire safety requirements;
(vi) You must not meddle with any service installation outside of your park home, however you may check and if necessary reset the electrical circuit breaker within the meter box;
(vii) You must ensure that all gas and electrical installations and appliances within the park home are safe and meet any statutory requirements;
(viii) You must ensure that visiting children are supervised by an adult when playing on the park;
(ix) Metal post spikes for the erection of fences or otherwise are not permitted;
(x) You must not use guns, firearms and offensive weapons on the park and you must only keep them if you hold a certificate and/or licence issued by the appropriate authority.
(6) Specific site Licence restrictions
(i) You must not have more than one storage shed on the pitch. The shed must be positioned so as to comply with the park’s site licence conditions and fire safety requirements. The footprint of the shed shall not exceed 5.0 square metres.
(ii) You must not have any storage receptacle on the pitch other than the shed mentioned in rule 6(i) and any receptacle for the storage of domestic waste pending collection by the local authority.
(iii) You must ensure that any structure erected in the separation space between your park home and any neighbouring park home is of non-combustible construction and positioned so as to comply with the park’s site licence conditions and fire safety requirements.
(7) External decoration
(i) Occupiers must maintain the outside of their home in a clean and tidy condition;
(ii) When repainting the home, occupiers must use reasonable endeavours not to depart from the colour schemes and be in keeping with the surrounding park homes.
(8)Vacant pitches
You do not have access to vacant pitches and must not disturb building materials or plant.
(9) Business Activities
(i) Your park home must not be hired and accommodation must not be rented to paying guests;
(ii) You must not use the park home, the pitch or the park (or any part of the park) for any business purpose, and you must not use the park home or the pitch for storage of stock, plant, machinery or equipment. However you are at liberty to work individually from home by carrying out office work of a type which does not create a nuisance to other occupiers and does not involve other staff.
(10) Refuse
(i) You are responsible for the disposal of all household, recyclable and garden waste in approved containers through the local authority service;
(ii) No rubbish, garden refuse or other waste shall be deposited on the park, fields adjacent to the park or any vacant pitch.