The history of Redhouse Park - A Park Home in Yorkshire

Redhouse Park was completely redesigned to high standards
in the mid-seventies.

Redhouse Park when purchased by the current owners in 1977

Landscaping work around the residents car park.

One of the first homes sited near the entrance.
Since the Mobile Homes Act 1983 we have seen significant change and additional legislation to improve the quality of life for Park Home residents.
In 2008 the Model Standards for Site Licenses were revised for new Park Home developments and later the 2013 Mobile Homes Act gave more rights to the occupiers of a Park Home. The home owner can now sell their home without intervention from the site owner in the sales process.
The Government has also empowered Local Authorities to allocate more resources to enforce the conditions of Site Licences. The Health and Safety Executive are seeking to ensure that Parks operate safely in the use of LPG.
The Environment Agency carry out regular checks to watercourses to monitor the quality of water discharged into our waterways and rivers. We, the owners welcome these changes where it can help to ensure professional management of all Parks.

The Park in 1988.

Then in 2003 after erection of an entrance barrier.
In the early 2000’s Government Regulators (Ofwat & Ofgem) implemented legislation to control the resale of water, natural gas and electricity.
The law now requires the re-seller of water, electricity and natural gas to make no profit in the provision of these services.
Due to the Company’s bulk buying power for electricity this does usually result in cheaper energy costs than can be achieved by homeowners billed directly by the Utility Companies.
Redhouse Park – Continuous Progress
The Park is pleasantly situated in rural surroundings, remote from the many difficulties and problems faced by other developments, traffic, noise, pollution, crime, children, vandalism, flooding etc. Peace and tranquillity here is valued highly by most.
Residents take pride in their home and garden and generally contribute towards a healthy thriving community. We aim to work together with our residents and residents Association to continue to improve the facilities and quality of life for everyone on the Park.
Since the turn of the century, a number of projects to improve the Park and amenities have been undertaken including:
Installation of an Entrance Barrier:
With the increase in strangers driving around the park it was necessary to install a barrier that has not only improved the security of the park but given residents peace of mind.
Piped Underground LPG network:
Gas bottles, originally provided were unsightly and deliveries would often cause damage to roads and pathways. They were replaced by individual mini bulk tanks but delivery vehicles were noisy and obstructed the roads for lengthy periods.
These outdated facilities have now been replaced with a piped underground system with gas meters to each home making the Park a safer, better place and at the same time providing residents with cheaper gas as a result of the bulk buying power to a single delivery point.
Improvements to Electricity supply:
The electricity supply network was upgraded with new cabling, equipment and safety switches in 2006 giving a much improved reliability of the electrical infrastructure whilst doubling the maximum load capability to each home.
Treatment of Waste:
Our privately maintained sewage treatment plant discharges to the land drain. Historically it was difficult to meet the Environment Agency’s extremely tight parameters for quality and purity of water discharged to the land drain, so to assist, we constructed a reed bed in 2002 that has operated very successfully without any further concerns from the Environment Agency.
Working together with Redhouse Park Residents Association:
With funding from various grants and local businesses the residents association provide a marquee for community events, meetings, bingo etc.
We are happy to work with the residents and actively encourage membership towards a strong and healthy association.
Installation of Photovoltaic solar panels:
On adjacent land to the park, the company installed a 50KW solar PV facility in 2011 which provides green electricity – a contribution towards the country’s renewable power supplies and a reduction in fossil fuel consumption.
Installation of water meters:
In 2013 water meters were fitted to all homes thus ensuring a fairer system, whereby residents only pay for the water they use.